Cleveland Open Cup Flash Point Apparatus

Cleveland Open Cup Flash Point Apparatus

Use for determination of open flash point and fire point of petroleum products except when the Cleveland apparatus is specified. The same apparatus as above is used. Only the cup cover is replaced by an open clip. Suitable for Temperature Range: 80°C to 350°C


  • Cup fitting with handle
  • Cup cover with test flame and shutter mechanism.
  • Thermometers
  • IP 16°C
  • IP 15°C
  • Heat Element

Standard : IP 36 IS 1448 (P-69) ASTMD 92

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Categories: , Product ID: 15039


Cleveland open cup flash point apparatus is to determine the flash point of a petroleum product whose flash point is above 79°C. The apparatus consists of a cast iron stove on which an open cup is fitted on top and a heater with aenergy regulator is provided to the apparatus. Open cup is provided to perform the test. It is widely used in the oil and petroleum industry to determine the flash or fire point whose temperature range is between 79°C to 400°C.

Standard: IP 36, ASTM D 92, IS 1448 (P-69), ISO 2592
Raj Make

Package Includes:
Cleveland open cup flash point apparatus, thermometer
according to range -10°C to 110°C & -10°C to 360°C,
manual and calibration certificate.

Ordering Information:
Ref No. 520 Cleveland Open Cup Flash Point App.
HSN Code: 90278090

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